Direct Debit:

You can opt to pay by direct debit monthly on the 20th (or next working day) of each month, this can be set up in the MyNow customer portal.

If you do not wish to register or use the portal you can still set up direct debit payments in the following ways:

  • Now Home and Business customers: You can complete our online form to set up a direct debit.
  • Now Business customers: If you need to keep a written authority or require two signatories, download and complete this form Now Business Direct Debit

Changes to Direct Debits may take up to five business days to be processed. For any Direct Debit changes to be processed for the current month, please ensure changes are made on the MyNow customer portal three business days before the 20th, or call our team on 0800 GET NOW (438 669) and allow five business days before the 20th of the month.

Bank Transfer:

If you wish to pay by bank transfer (online or in branch) our Kiwibank bank account number is 38-9018-0625106-00, please ensure that your 12-digit Account ID (3133xxxxxxxx)* is used reference field under payee details (sometimes titled 'On their statement/Their details').

Paying by bank transfer

Payments received after 1 August, without a Now Account Number included as a reference, will be automatically refunded back to the account the payment came from. If your payment is refunded, your account will remain unpaid. Note: Refunds can take up to 7 business days to be processed.

*For customers prior to 4 August, you will need to add '00' to your old customer number to make it 12 digits long - the format will be 3133xxxxxx00.

Credit Card:

Log into MyNow.

First, you will need to add a credit card as a payment method.

  • Select ‘Manage Payment’ from the menu at the top.
  • If you have not already done so, select “Add Credit Card” from the top right-hand side.
  • A Windcave screen will pop up.
  • Populate the screen and click ‘Submit’.
  • Select ‘One-Off Payment’. Enter the amount and reason for payment. Select ‘Pay’. Your payment will now be securely processed via Windcave.

To remove your credit card from your account, click 'Remove' button.

If you are accessing MyNow on your mobile phone, please make sure you have enabled popups.

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